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The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others

The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others

Dátum: 12. januára 2025
Miesto: STARS auditorium, Bratislava
Adresa: Junácka 10, Bratislava


Jan 2025
The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others
STARS auditorium


Popis podujatia

The most beautiful Christmas gift of the year:
"The Music of Hans Zimmer" - presented by a pirate from "Pirates of the Caribbean"! 🎵 Experience the unique and best film scores from "Dune," "James Bond," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "The Lion King," "Gladiator," "The Dark Knight," "Inception," "Interstellar," and many other top productions 🕵🏽☠ - in a fascinating concert featuring a film orchestra, choir, guest soloists, a special guest from the films, and selected film clips! 🎬 Immerse yourself in the musical universe of Hans Zimmer and secure your tickets now! 🎟
Najkrajší vianočný darček roka:
"The Music of Hans Zimmer" - v podaní piráta z filmu Piráti z Karibiku! 🎵
Zažite jedinečnú a najlepšiu filmovú hudbu z filmov "Duna", "James Bond", "Piráti z Karibiku", "Leví kráľ", "Gladiátor", "Temný rytier", "Počiatok", "Interstellar" a mnohých ďalších špičkových produkcií 🕵🏽☠ - na fascinujúcom koncerte, na ktorom sa predstaví filmový orchester, zbor, hosťujúci sólisti, špeciálny hosť z filmov a vybrané filmové ukážky! 🎬
Ponorte sa do hudobného vesmíru Hansa Zimmera a zabezpečte si vstupenky už teraz! 🎟



The best film music experience of the year!

presented by a special guest from “Pirates of the Caribbean”

The symphonic world of Hans Zimmer with music from James Bond, The Lion King, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator, The Dark Knight, Inception, Interstellar, Top Gun, Dune and more!

Berlin / Los Angeles – “The Music of Hans Zimmer & Others” is an unforgettable concert and audiovisual experience for all age groups, film enthusiasts, music lovers, and families. The best music will be performed by the Hollywood Film Orchestra in an impressive show with light installations, laser projections, and selected film clips. Star soloists from the Original Broadway Production will perform excerpts from “The Lion King”, Zimmer’s most beloved box office smash hit.

No other composer has influenced the film world in the past two decades as much as the Oscar-, Globe- and Emmy-winning composer Hans Zimmer with his staggering compositions for films such as “James Bond”, “The Lion King”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Gladiator”, “The Dark Knight”, “Man of Steel”, “Inception”, and “Interstellar”.

Hans Zimmer wrote the film scores of more than 200 movies, won his second Oscar for "Dune" (2022), following his first Academy Award for "The Lion King" (1994). He named Ennio Morricone as his idol and role-model, whose work will be featured with excerpts from the films “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” and “Once Upon a Time in the West”. Zimmer followed Morricone’s example of composing the film music often before – instead of after – filming, and shaped the entire film. He changed the beginning of Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator” for example, and the world-famous director moved into the studio of Hans Zimmer.



The press has been giving enthusiastic response:

“…What a successful event and ecstatic audience...”
“…Fascinating how the spark jumped over at this concert...”
“…Very impressive were the titles with large orchestra ...”


The Hollywood Film Orchestra has been created for this concert series and works usually with state Orchestras from Europe. It has performed in the leading music venues of the world, from the Koncerthuset in Copenhagen to the Konzerthaus in Vienna, from Großes Festspielhaus Salzburg to Salle Pleyel in Paris, from Laeiszhalle Hamburg to Tonhalle Zürich.


Hans Florian Zimmer (*12. September 1957 in Frankfurt am Main) is a German film composer, arranger, and music producer. The Oscar winning artist works in Hollywood. He was nominated eleven times for the Oscar, fourteen times for the Golden Globe, and ten times for the Grammy Award. He received his first Oscar nomination in 1989 for the film “Rain Man”. In 1995, he was awarded with his first Academy Award for “The Lion King”., a second for “Dune” in 2022. In 2010, he got a star unveiled on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Zimmer’s soundtrack albums have sold more than 19 million copies worldwide.


Ennio Morricone (* 10. November 1928 , ✝ 6. Juli 2020 in Rom) was

an Italian composer and conductor. He has composed the film music of more than 500 films. His name is primarily associated with the Western film genre, as he has written the music for 30 of such films, but he has mainly composed film music for other genres. The film music for the Western classics “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” (Italian: “Il buono, il gross, il cattivo”), the Western epos “Once Upon a Time in the West”, Roland Joffé’s drama “The Mission”, and Giuseppe Tornatore’s movie “Cinema Paradiso” brought him special fame. In Jahr 2007 Morricone recieved an Academy Honorary Award and in 2016 an Oscar for the music of the film “The Hateful Eight“.


Klaus Badelt (* 12. Juni 1967 in Frankfurt am Main) is a German composer who specializes in television and film music. In 1997, he began an internship at Hans Zimmer’s Studio Mediaventures in California and worked with him on several movies in the following years, for instance “Gladiator”, “Hannibal” and “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Klaus Badelt has been composing for big names ranging from Steven Spielberg to Ridley Scott, creating music for
films such as “X-Men” and “Asterix & Obelix” as well as for the Olympic Games in Peking 2008. He is owner of Wunderhorn Music Studio.




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Zmeny a upozornenia

ZMENENÉ - THE MUSIC OF HANS ZIMMER & OTHERS - 3.5.2024 o 20:00 hod.

V zastúpení organizátora podujatia, vám ako sprostredkovateľ predaja oznamujeme, že predstavenie THE MUSIC OF HANS ZIMMER & OTHERS, ktoré sa malo konať dňa 3.5.2024 o 20:00 hod. v STARS auditorium, Bratislava, je ZMENENÉ! Predstavenie sa uskutoční v novom termíne: 12.1.2025 o 20:00 hod. v pôvodnom mieste konania.

Zakúpené vstupenky zostávajú v platnosti.

Klienti, ktorým zmena nevyhovuje, môžu vrátiť vstupenky výhradne na tom predajnom mieste, kde si ich zakúpili najneskôr do 24.5.2024!

Klienti, ktorí si vstupenky zakúpili na zrušenom predajnom mieste, ich môžu vrátiť výhradne poštou, a to  najneskôr do 24.5.2024 na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o., Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.

Vstupenky uhradené na predajnom mieste Benefitovou poukážkou je nutné najneskôr do 24.5.2024 zaslať poštou na adresu: Ticketportal SK, s.r.o. , Kalinčiakova 33, 831 04 Bratislava.
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